Product documentation
Customer Engagement Essentials - PowerApps Component Framework Controls

In this topic the PowerApps Component Framework Controls functionality will be explained.


PowerApps Component Framework Controls

Flip Switch Color Control


Note that the standard Microsoft Flip Switch Control will be deprecated. This control is already replaced by the Toggle Control. For that reason we advise you to use our Toggle Color Control instead.


With the PowerApps Component Framework custom Flip Switch Color Control you can easily add a flip switch color control for a two option field in any entity and form.






Gauge Control

With the PowerApps Component Framework custom Gauge Control you can easily add a gauge control for a decimal number field in any entity and form.



Option Set Color Control

With the PowerApps Component Framework custom Option Set Color Control you can easily add an option set color control for an option set field in any entity and form.





Option Set Color Flexible Control

With the PowerApps Component Framework custom Option Set Color Flexible control you can easily add an option set color flexible control for a option set field in any entity and form.

In contrast to the Option Set Color, which uses fixed color values defined in the field definition, the Option Set Color Flexible uses color values that are defined in the control itself in the relevant form.






Percentage Control

With the PowerApps Component Framework custom Percentage Control you can easily add a percentage field in any entity and form.





Phone Number Control

With the PowerApps Component Framework custom Phone Number Control you can easily add a phone number field in any entity and form that contains address details.

The Phone Number Control is using Google’s common Javascript library for parsing, formatting and validating international phone numbers.





It is required to have a value in the country field first before the phone number control will work. For that reason it is advisable to enable the phone number field only when the country field has a value. This can be configured with a business rule on the form.



Check the list of all supported country ISO codes as described in the ISO 3166 international standard via These codes are used throughout the IT industry by computer systems and software to ease the identification of country names.


Picture Control

With the PowerApps Component Framework custom Picture Control you can easily add a picture field in any entity and form.



Toggle Color Control

With the PowerApps Component Framework custom Toggle Color Control you can easily add a toggle color control for a two option field in any entity and form.





VAT Number Control


Note that the VAT Number check is based on the VAT Information Exchange System (VIES) which is an electronic means of transmitting information relating to VAT registration of companies registered in the European Union.



Note that the parameter VAT Validation should be set to either Business Unit or Organization else the control will not work.

With the PowerApps Component Framework custom VAT Number Control you can easily add a VAT Number field in any entity and form.








Note that the VAT number should always be started with a valid two letter ISO2 country code. For countries outside the European Union only the ISO2 country code will be checked and not the validity of VAT number.